1 l33,881 Patented Mar. 30, 1915.
MM/humus To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, EDWARD K. OSTNESS, a citizen of the United States, residing at Beloit, in the county of Rock and State of Wisconsin, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Corn-Extractors, of which the following is a specification.
My invention is directed to improvements in corn treating instruments, and its primary object is the provision of an instrument of this kind by the use of which the whole or a portion of the corn may be taken away without removing the surrounding callous flesh so as to utilize such flesh as a protector for the part treated.
A further object of the invention is the provision of a corn treating instrument wherein the scraping blade is so housed as to protect it from germs, dust and other foreign matter.
A still further object of the invention is the provision of a corn treating instrument with means adapted tocenter the scraping blade over the corn and to prevent the blade from acting upon the surrounding callous flesh.
With the above and other objects in view, the invention consists in the construction, combination and arrangement of parts hereinafter fully described and claimed and illustrated in the accompanying drawings, wherein:
Figure 1 is a view in side elevation on an enlarged scale of a corn treating instrument constructed in accordance with my inven tion, and Fig. 2 is a sectional view taken on a plane extending vertically and centrally through the instrument.
Referring to the drawing by reference numerals 1 designates the body of my improved corn treating instrument. The body 1 is of hollow cylindrical formation, is fully open at its ends, and is constructed of metal or any other material suitable for the purpose. A guide 2 is secured within the body 1 at a point near the lower end thereof, and it is provided with a cylindrical passage 3 which tapers outwardly at its lower end, as at 4. The guide 2 is secured in position by screws 5. The upper end of the body 1 is provided with a cap 6 having a central opening 7 in the upper wall 8 thereof, and the lower end of the body is provided with a removable closure 9, the cap and closure haging screwthreaded engagement with the b0 y.
Specification of Letters latent.
Patented Mar. 30, 1915.
Application filed Ma a, 1914. Serial No. 837,321.
A rod 10, which has its lower end flattened to provide a blade 11, and is provided at its upper end with a knurled operating head 12, is slidably and rotatably mounted within the body 1. The rod 10 works in the passage 3 of the guide 2. The blade 11 is provided with two upwardly inclined diverging scraping edges 13, and it is adapted to be held normally retracted within the body 1 by means of a coiled expansion spring 141, which surrounds the rod 10 and which is located between the guide 2 and a pin 15 fastened to the rod. The flared portion 4: of the passage 3, which is adapted to be engaged by the inclined side walls of the blade 11, and the upper wall 8 of the cap 6 which is adapted to be engaged by the pin 15, form stops adapted to limit the upward movement of the rod 10 under the influence of the spring 14:. The rod 10 projects through the opening 7 in the cap 6 positioning its operating head 12 exteriorly of the body 1. The blade 11 is preferably of thin flat formation having upwardly and inwardly inclined side edges 16 and the divergent scraping edges 13.
When it is desired to use the instrument, the closure 9 is first removed, after which the lower end of the body 1 is positioned to inclose the corn. Pressure is then applied to the head 12 to bring the point 17 of the blade 11 in contact with the center of the corn, after which a rotary movement is imparted to the blade 11 to cause the edges 13 to scrape away the corn. The upper end of the body 1 centers the blade 11 and prevents it from removing any part of the callous flesh surrounding the corn. By removing the corn in this manner there is left a protector formed by callous flesh surrounding the corn. The point 17 of the blade 11 is in axial alinement with the rod 10, and the scraping edges 13 extend upwardly and outwardly from the point. The lower end of the tube 1 also provides means by which the point 17 may be placed in the center of the corn and held in such position during the rotation of the blade 11.
From the foregoing description, taken in connection with the accompanying drawing, it should be apparent that I provide a corn treating instrument which is simple, durable and eflicient and which may be manufactured and sold at a comparatively low cost. It should also be apparent that the instrument involves a construction which will prevent the scraping edges of the blade 11 from becoming damaged and which will prevent the accumulation of germs, dust'and' other foreign matter on the blade. As the spring 14 supports the cutting edges of the .lade 11 above the lower end of the body ;1, the blade may be brought into contact with the corn with just sufiicient pressure to enable the scraping edges 13 to cut away the corn. 7
WVhile in the foregoing there has been shown and described the preferred embodiment of this invention it is to be understood that such changes in the combination and arrangement of parts as may fall within the scope of the claims may be resorted to without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Having thus described the invention what is claimed as new, is:
1. A corn treating instrument comprising a hollow cylindrical body fully open at its lower end, a rod rotatably and slidably mounted within the body and having its lower end terminating in a point axially alined therewith, and scraping blades extending upwardly and outwardly from the point, the lower end of the body providing means by which the point of the rod may be placed and held in the center of a corn and preventing the scraping blades from cutting away the callous flesh surrounding the corn.
-2. A corn treating instrument comprising a hollow cylindrical body fully open at its lower end, a rod rotatably and slida-bly mounted within the body and having its lower end terminating in a point axially alined therewith, scraping blades extending upwardly and outwardly from said point, and means adapted to normally retain the scraping blades within the body, the lower means for placend of ,the body providing in the center of ing and holding the point the corn and preventing the scraping blades 7 from the point, and a spring surrounding the rod to normally retain the scraping blades within the body, the lower end of the body providing means by which the point may be placed in the center of the corn and preventing the scraping blades from cutting away 'the'ca'llous flesh surrounding the corn.
Intestimony whereof I afiiX my signature in presence of two witnesses.
--Cqp1erotth1s patent may be obtained for five cents each, :by addressing the -Gommissioue1 of ratents.
Washington, D. C.