US1428396 A45D29/02

Manicuring instrument

1922 Pozdeck Adolph F. Pozdeck Adolph F.
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1,428,396. Patentedsept, 1922. j

nllllrulul 3' Q Fizz. 7

Patented Sept. 5, i922.



Application filed October 29, 192.1. Serial No. 511,261.

To all whom t may concern:

Be it known thatI, ADOLPH F. POZDECK, a citizen of @Zeche-Slovakia, and residing at Newark, in the count-y of Essex and State of New Jersey, have invented a certain new and useful Improvement in Manicuring Instruments, of which the following is a speci# fication.

My invention has for its object to pro vide a device in which. two of the most important tools for manicuring will be combined in a single instrument. It is Awell known that it is a fruitful source of annoyance to have a number of tools to take care of while doing work of this character, and therefore anything that will lessen the number which is required to be used by the inani-l curist, will be desirable.

Another feature of my invention is to provide a. file which will be formed upon a concave surface, thus avoiding the necessity for ieXibility in the le and yet producing hicrhly satisfactoryv results.

Iy means of accomplishing the foregoing View taken on the line are hinged together by a pivot pin 3, and are provided lwith handles 4 and 5. These handles are curved so that the inner edges Gand 7 are concave. Upon this concave surface, serrations are cut to form files. The one on the surface 6 may -be of a different degree of. ineness than that upon the surface 7,

thereby providing one file for cutting, and y of great convenience since it furnishes the three 'different devices in a single instrunient. l

Having described my invention what I regard as new and desire to secure by Leti ters Patent isvl. In a device of the character described, a pair of nail clippers, the handles of which are curved, a plurality of serrations cut upon the concave surface of the handles for the purpose set forth. l

2. .In a device of the character described, a pair of nail clippers, the handles of which are bowed outwardly, serrations cut upon the inner concave lsurfaces of the handle,

. the serrations on one handle being liner than those of the other, for the purpose set forth. In testimony whereof I have signed the foregoing specification.

.iiDoLrnl n. roznnoir.

Brevets cités

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Brevets citants

Multi-function nipper device
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1969 Perles David R.