US1727239 A45D29/02

Finger-nail shears

1929 Koepp Albert H. Koepp Albert H.
nofig nofig nofig


SePt- 3, 1929. A. H. Kor-:PP 1,727,239

FINGER NAIL SHEARS Filed July 112, 1928v wn-NEss: ATTORNEY Patented Sept. 3, 1929.




Application led July 12, 1928. Serial No. 292,053.

My present invention has reference to a opening 3 and imparting a longitudinal manicure device in the nature of a combinamovement to the device, 'will have his nail tion iinger nail cutting shears, iile and edge severed. Obviously the operator must ma` 45 nail smoothing device of an extremely simple, nipulate his finger in the proper cutting of caeaply constructed, neatly appearing and his nail. f small size that will permit of the same being The casing, adjacent to the bottom and at readily carried in the pocket or hand bag of the center thereof is formed with an inwardtheuser, ly eoncaved portion 8, and directly there- 50 To the attainment of the foregoing the inabove there is journaled in the casing any devention consists in the improvement as heresired number of burnishing Wheels 9. The

inafter described and definitely claimed. roughened or serrated faces of these Wheels In the drawings: are in mesh with each other so that the turn- Figure l is a perspective view of my iining of one Wheel Will impart a like turning 55 provement. to the remaining Wheel. The user of this def- Figure 2 is an approximately central lonvice, after his linger nails are cut employs gitudinal sectional view therethrough. the burnishing Wheels for burnishing his Figure 3 is a transverse sectional view apnails, and as previously stated, the Vall pro# proximately on the line 3 lVhile the body of my improvement may all irregularities in the edges of the cut nails.

be constructed of any desired material, the The simplicity of the construction andthe same is preferably, and as disclosed by the advantages thereof Will, it is thought, be perdrawings formed from a single sheet of recfeet-ly apparent to those skilled `in the art 3 of Figure 2. vided by t-he groove 3 in the block E2 removes 60 tangular metal which is centrally bent or Without further detailed description, but obf rounded upon itself to provide parallel sides viously I do not Wish to be re,s,i'icted to the 2;, 1 1. These sides at the open end of the iinprecise details herein set forth and, therefore, provement are held spaced and are likewise hold myself entitled to make such changes reinforced by ablock 2. The block is centraltherefrom as fairly fall Within the scope'of ly formed With a groove 3 and the inner Wall what I claim. i 70 provided by this groove may be slightly Having described the invention, I claim: 30 roughened, the said groove serving asameans In a device for the purpose set forth, a for evening the edges of cut finger nails. plate which is centrally bent upon itself to One or both sides or faces of the casing or provide two spaced sides, spacer elements bereceptacle is approximately centrally formed tween the sides and secured thereto. each of with a longitudinal opening 3 of a size vto persaid sides having a central longitudinal slot mit of the passage of a finger nail theretherethrough? a pair of cutter Wheels having through. Pivotally secured, as at 4 5, belapping edges journaled on shaftsthat are tween the sides l there are disc cutter Wheels fixed to the sides and the lapping edges of 6 and 7, respectively, the peripheries of which the said Wheels being disposed in a line with 30 heing disposed to bridge the opening or openthe openings in the sides. i 4o ings 3. It is to be understood that the sides In testimony whereof I affix my signature.

of the casing are closely related, so that a person inserting his finger nail through the ALBERT I-I. KOEPP.

Brevets cités

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Brevets citants

Apparatus for cutting fingernails
1949 Evert Johansson Nils Gustaf