PATENTED AUG. 23, 1904.
No." 7. 68,08 3. T
UNITED STATES Patented August 23, 1904.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 768,083, dated nu isf'gflge, 1904. Application filed November 16, 1903, Serial No.-l81,237. (No model-)- To a, whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, FRANK D. SIoKLEs, a citizen of the United States, residing at Toledo, in the county of Lucas and State of Ohio, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Nail-Clippers, of which the following is a specification.
My invention relates to a nail-clipper, and has for its object to provide a simple, inexpensive, and convenient manicure implement adapted for a complete treatment of the fingernails. I accomplish this object by constructing a nail implement as hereinafter described, and illustrated in the drawings, in which Figure 1 is an isometric view of my invention with the knife and tweezer blades opened outward from the body of the clipper, forming a closure-handle therefor. Fig. 2 is an enlarged top plan view of'the same in a closed position with the clipper in position for use. Fig. 3 is an enlarged side elevation of the implement in a closed position. Fig. 4 is an enlarged bottom plan view with the knife and tweezer blades closed within the open clipperspring handle.
In the drawings, 1 is a combined handle and clipper formed from a suitably-shaped blank of sheet-steel bent lJOefOIIIl the spring sides 2 and the end 3 of the handle portion and to angle inward from the end portions of the sides the complementary shear-blades 4: and 5 in position to normally lap the heel portions and leave the points of the blades normally open. The sides 2, near the end 3, are connected by a rivet 6, upon which is pivoted the knife-blade 7 and the spring-tweezers 8, each of which is of a length to extend to and rest on the clipper-blades 4 and 5 when closed between the sides 2 of the clipper. When respectively opened outward, their backs rest on the end 3, while the clipper forms a convenient handle for their use;
The spring sides 2 form a convenient means of operating the clipper blades 4 and 5 for clipping the nails, the edges of the blades being made diverging from the heels to the points and beveled, as in shears.
The blade 1, which relatively overlaps the blade 5 when the implement is in position shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, is provided with an extension 4: at the heel of the blade, which extends outward along the heel of the blade 5 into an incut 5' in the side' 2 at the heel of the blade 5, whereby the blades are so interlocked that they are prevented from separating when cutting. 1
' For convenience in pushing back the margm of the skin around the nails the end 3 is provided with the beveled portion 9, which is slightly rounded at the outer corners to prevent breaking or cutting the skin. One of the sides 2 is also provided at the lower edge with the file-groove 10 for smoothing the edges of the nails.
The end portions 11 of the tweezer-arms12 are first broadened out from the arms and then curve tapered to points adapting them for use both as tweezers and as nail-cleaners. The bight 13 of the tweezers is U-shaped and is beveled from the. outer face toward the inner face at the edge which is outermost when the tweezers are closed between the sides 2 and forming a cutting edge 14:, adapting the bight to be used to smooth and round the outer ends of the nails and remove any sharp or rough edges produced by clipping, cutting, or fi ing. 4
When in closed position between the sides 2 of the clipper-handle, the outward springpressure of the twe'ezer-arms reinforces the spring of the clipper sides and assists in producing the automatic opening of the clipperblades after being compressed together and released. It also serves to hold the knife-blade when closed into the handle of the clipper.
The sides 2 have their top edges cut away near the end 3, so that a portion of the pivoted ends of the knife-blade and tweezers may be conveniently opened by pressing on the portion between the pivot and the end 3.
By this construction'I have provided an implement for treating the nails which is simple, inexpensive, convenient for carriage and use, and that combines all the requisites for the purpose.
What I claim to be new is 1. In a manicure implement the combination of spring-handle sides, extendingfrom an end portion, complementary lapping shearblades integral with the free end portions of I 00 the sides, one blade having a heel extension adapted to interlock the blades against separation While cutting, a rivet secured through the sides across the end, and tweezers having arms diverging from a U-shaped spring, pivoted on the rivet and adapted to be closed between the handle sides With the arms compressed and their end portions resting on the shear-blades, the outer end portions of the tWeezer-arrns being tapered to points, and the spring being beveled at the edge which is outermost when the arms are in closed position, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
2. The herein-described manicure implement, comprising the combined handle and clipper 1, having the spring sides 2 projectblades and compressed between sides 2.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ith day of September, 1903.
I. E. MAooMnnR, B. M. Esounnon.